Thursday, November 10, 2016

'Choosing' a Guru

It has been said, "When the pupil is ready the master will appear". It doesn't matter who said it or when it was said, it only matters that the phrase was coined and is now being bought on the current spiritual market. But, when it comes right down to it, everything is already in a constant state of readiness (or flux); a state where change is inevitable and everything is just naturally prepared to 'go with the flow'. The idea that someone has to be 'ready' is just a concept based on some idea of control. No one has to mature or be cleansed in any way to be deserving of the possibility of meeting and receiving the grace of  a Guru. Actually, no one deserves this. It just happens- ready or not. Who could choose to control the force of nature which directs this flow? There in no choice on either end of the equation- Master or disciple. But, when one encounters a being who has the power to evoke peace, love and joy, this is an invitation to listen to this One to discover where the source of this power and the wisdom it releases lies. The One worth listening to says, 'It lies within'.

I just watched a documentary called Holy Hell about an American man who attracted many followers, many of whom became his sex slaves and puppets to his every whim over time. He was able to refer to the Bhagavad Gita enough to sound knowledgeable and had an aura of innocence and trust worthiness, at least to those he attracted and lured into his web of deceit. It was admitted by several of his followers, on attempting to expose him as the fraud he is, that they had psychological traits of co-dependency in common. There were others who saw through his odd behaviors and avoided the drama while remaining part of the community that was valued for it's devotion to one another and served their needs of belonging and support. The secrets which were revealed some 20 years later were devastating to the 'family' bonds that had formed around this narcissistic leader.

There is some need for concern when it is a question as to whether a Guru is genuine or not. I have a daughter who is drawn to the deeper meaning of life. She has her own way to go about this and has her own perspectives. While she knows and respects the advaita teachers of the revered Saint Sri Ramana Maharshi's lineage, her 'flow' is taking her to other places and exposing her to different influences. She may one day come across someone who would be considered manipulative, psychotic, controlling, etc..and be swayed by it all, but I trust she has a better understanding of what is authentic, having grown up with a mother who has shown her healthy examples of teachers. We are all vulnerable to getting entangled in unhealthy relationships however and there will always be predatory personalities lurking in the shadows. What to do? Throw the baby out with the dirty bath water? Rather than giving up on meeting the true Master in form, pour the water through a filter of discernment until it is clear enough to drink.

When Papaji, (Sri Harilal Poonja) was asked, during an interview he gave in 1993, what advise he would give someone looking for a true Master, he replied;

"A true Master cannot be seen by the eyes. Therefore, if they try to see by their senses they can't make a good judgement because Master is beyond the senses and beyond any judgement. You can't 'see'. If you 'feel', your mind is quiet and you feel, some kind of happiness and peace and- that can be the outer symptoms of a teacher. And only those people who are intensely devoted to freedom, they can only sense it, not others-you see.
So, when you go to a teacher, you keep quiet. You need not give any question. Don't expect any answer. Just see, sit quiet and feel if your mind is quiet or not. If it is quiet then you expect this is the one ('man') who can teach you. This is the one ('man') who is worth staying near".

Papaji's gracious advice is very important for anyone who feels 'intensely' about freedom. This means that it should only be an intense urge for freedom that motivates how one 'chooses' (IF it is a matter of choice), not the need for acceptance or self worth or any other psychological need that may be the motivation. When Papaji talks about 'feeling' he is not referring to the senses of the body and their emotional responses. He is referring to a discernment which relies on intuition and the profound pull of the true Heart to see it's own reflection. Papaji's words guide the one seeking a teacher to,"Just see. Sit quiet and feel if your mind is quiet or not".

The Guru will not address you on personal terms of need relating to lack (of love, acceptance, self-worth). I know this from experience. Although both an authentic Guru and the narcissist can see into the psyche, only the one who sees an opportunity to profit from it will try to take advantage. For the One who only serves Truth, there is no personal interest of any kind. Be aware and alert to what is 'personally' expected from the newly discovered Guru and the community surrounding him or her. I would never want to see any one walk into the trap that many fall into because of their unfulfilled egoic human needs. Use our God given intuition in this matter and 'feel' what is right (peaceful, quiet mind) rather than rely on the 'obvious' readings coming from the mind (feelings of specialness or some special 'experience').

It may happen, however, that latent energies (vasanas) appear in the Guru's presence (such as depression, anger, jealousy, pride, etc..).  This is okay AND to be expected. In the Guru's presence they are appearing to be recognized and dissolved. It is preferable that it not be the basis for seeking out the guidance of a spiritual teacher. This is tricky however because it is often when things are difficult and there is some 'bottom' hit, that the soul longs for it's true raison d'etre. Just being clear and honest with oneself can help. These are personal issues and as my wise Master Sri Mooji says, "Freedom is not for the person. It is freedom from the person". At these times it is helpful mostly to trust that  Life will shed some light on the crisis at hand and not jump too quickly into survival mode. Remember, "this too shall pass" and in the wake of it's passing look to the Heart for guidance. This will show up in whatever way, shape or form is needed. That could be, like it was for me, the Master/Satguru in a human body but with the light of divinity speaking as it's source.

May all those who have come to seek heavenly Truth be guided to discover their inherent wisdom and light as it is reflected in the earthly servants of Truth and quickly discover it is the same One shining from each and every single Heart.

~ Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

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