Thursday, June 23, 2016

Guru Purnima~ Honoring the Satguru As Divine Teacher

This year on the full moon of July 19, 2016 Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains recognize and celebrate a day called Guru Purnima which is dedicated to the Gurus of the world. As the wave of the East's wisdom is finding channels and rivers through which to flow here in the West, those like myself are sharing in this day of appreciation and love for the Guru. We are those who have undeservedly been blessed by the grace of the Satguru's (the Guru within) glance which has fallen on our minds and hearts with such power that the individual 'seeker' is vaporized in the light of Perfection and, with the physical Guru's guidance, there comes a recognition of the pure presence of divine light and undivided existence.

Such a chance in a life time is pretty rare as it goes here in North America, for it is more likely that too much mistrust and paranoia floods the minds of so many who have been raised in an atmosphere of 'original sin'. Rather than being taught of our 'original pure' nature from birth, we are told we are naturally bad. This conditioning pervades the western culture and is even believed on an unconscious  level by those who are not raised in an organized religion. As a result, the unfamiliar cultural practice of following a Guru who says, 'You are one with God' is looked upon with scrutiny and automatic resistance.

 Luckily, I was introduced to a method of self investigation by a woman living in California, USA who spoke about 'Awareness' as the non-dual experience of everyone in a simple, clear and accessible way for those not familiar with the terminology of the Eastern practices. Her words rang true in her plain talk about the nature of existence as 'Inseparable Awareness'. It created a greater openness  to look more to the perspectives of the East and the beautiful Advaita (non-dual) teachings that have been offered through the Masters and Guru's who are celebrated many thousands of years after their deaths.

Before going any further, I offer deepest Pranams (the highest acknowledgement of respect and reverence) to my Master who graciously provides his untiring service to the world by sharing his wisdom and guidance with those who 'have the ears to hear'. Mooji Baba Ki Jai!!!  Pranams and love as well to the ones who, through His grace, have extended his light to shine further still and to spread across the globe: my own beloved Father and Guru who is Anantaji and the other beautiful ambassadors of Moojiji's love; Rajeeji and Ramdasji. One sangha. One love. Thank you for such beautiful unselfish service to the world Beloved Ones.

Guru Purnima's roots, for Hindus, began as an homage to the birth of the holy immortal sage, Vyasa, who compiled the Vedas (Hindu scriptures) into four parts and is said to be an avatar of Vishnu, the Supreme God of Hindus. For Buddhists, it's origin is attributed to the day that Buddha gave his first 'satsang' to his earliest five disciples after his own awakening. Sikhs recognize Guru Nanak Jayanti as their first Guru of 10 and celebrate throughout the year on the specific birthday of each one. The Jains celebrate Kartik Purnima around the same time that Nanak Purnima is held, in November, and is the recognition of Rishabha Dev known as Lord Adinath.

In the religion I was raised in, Catholicism, the day celebrating Jesus' birth could be considered as the Christian Guru Purnima. However, unlike the day of Guru Purnima in the East, it is not  necessarily celebrated on the full moon. 'Purnima' is a Hindi word indicating a full moon day which is significant for Hindus as being an auspicious time when 'pooja' (worship through chanting, prayers and fasting) is offered to Lord Vishnu. Guru Purnima is a holy day which is not treated lightly or commercialized in any way, as the Christmas 'holiday' has become for Westerners. While there is much music (bhajans) and celebration, it is taken to be a true day of devotion, honoring those who give their lives to Truth so that others may know the peace of their own divinity as it is recognized in the Guru's reflection.

In my case (as explained in the previous blog), after 'loosing the way' I came to the feet of a Master who for me represents, in his teachings, all the great Masters of history and who's spirit is the embodiment of Light, Truth and Eternal Wisdom. Mooji Baba, as he has come to be known by thousands upon thousands of people from all over the world, follows no particular religion but expounds what each religion has as their essence; brotherly and sisterly love and a recognition of the God nature in each of us. He is a direct disciple of Sri Harilal Poonjaji (Papaji) who's lineage flows from Ramana Marharshi, the Saint of Arunachala. I see the Christ who I love, as my first Guru, in Mooji Baba's living presence. What a blessing it is to bow down to this holy sage as I might have done as a follower of Jesus if I had lived in the time of the Lord and to have the guidance of His teachings through his satsangs.

How can we, those who have been called to the Lotus Feet of a divine being such as Moojiji, give our thanks to these teachers of Love? There is only one way that will have any significance and meaning in the Master's eyes, for they look for no praise and desire no self recognition: 'BE THAT' which is repeatedly being pointed to and honor the Satguru's presence residing in the Heart of every Being on earth from the beginingless beginning. Be one with all life as Life.

"Be the one who's life is the evidence of Truth. You must become the proof that God exists"~ Mooji.

Beloved Master, thank you for all your kindness and compassion. Praise to You, most beloved, for the Grace you bestow upon all who come to you in humility and surrender. I love you.

Satguru Sri Moojiji Ki Jai! Sri Poonjaji Ki Jai! Sri Ramana Maharshi Ki Jai! Satguru Anantaji Ki Jai!

~ Shanti Mauna

Link for the Web page offering free video's, quotes, pictures and information about Mooji's shedule and retreats:

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